
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Ep.100 A Walk Down Spooky Lane
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
We've finally made it. After lots of ups, downs, tears, scares, ghosts, you name it we have finally reached our 100th episode! We couldn't have made it this far without all of your support in whatever capacity you have provided. So we hope you enjoy as we take a look back at some of our funniest, scariest, or inexplicable moments. Let's hope we have just as many memorable moments on the next hundred!
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Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Ep.99 Fort Washita
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
It's been a little while, but we are back on the alphabet train through the United States and their spooky stories, this time stopping in Oklahoma. Fort Washita's location has housed the Native Americans, the union, the confederacy, trappers, traders, you name it, they were there. Problem was they all thought it was their land, so you can believe this caused for some confusion and frustration. Which in the 19th century, you know, meant lots of death. Lots of death= lots of spirits, so let's hear what stories this once lawless land has to tell.
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Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Ep.98 Memphis, TN
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
It's a first Thursday which means we have a visited location for you! This time though, we were scattered to the winds as Meghan took a trip down south without Kelsey (jerk), but that's okay, because she found out that apparently Memphis is a hot bed of haunted locations. On one bus tour alone she was able to visit four different haunted locations, and may have had some paranormal encounters along the way. And if that isn't enough to suit you, maybe our own personal paranormal experiences during the recording will suffice.
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Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Twin Tangent 7
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
We've just been itchin for another tangent, and it's finally here! This time we're going off about scandalous events. Some very much in the public eye, and some quietly swept under the rug. Both cases frustrating in their own way, but do both cases resolve? We don't want to spoil it, but judging by the length of the tangent there's obviously no shortage of passion here. But man it felt good to get it off our chests. *TW for assault in the second scandal*
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Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Ep.97 Ohio State Reformatory
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
We're back in the Midwest, and doesn't it feel good? Doesn't it?.. Well, this building started with good enough intentions as a reform school for boys, but thanks to good old capitalism that was all changed, and things quickly fell apart. This one has some pretty dark stories, as most penitentiary's do, but is this one truly haunted? I don't want to spoil it, but you'll be hard pressed to find us in the basement with those .. things. Maybe just don't look up.
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Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Ep.96 Harvey Public Library
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Another week, another state, another city. This time a small midwestern one, which we can relate, but this is, you know, a fraction of the size. This city of less than 2000 has had a pretty quiet recent history, but the past is a different story. This haunting was brought to you by an actual murder most foul. With little understanding of why, and thanks to lost documents, almost no proof why, we learn about the fate of Sophia, and why she has chosen this library to reside in.
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Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Ep.95 Seven Hearths House
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
We should've saved the 14 hands wine for this episode, because this house has seen A LOT of people in its nearly 300 years of existing. It served a lot of purposes as housing for school girls, housing for families, even as a distillery in its infancy. Like any good haunted location this house has seen it's fair share of deaths, but one in particular is said to be seen most often, but the identity of the ghost has come in to question. So which young girl is still roaming the hallways? Maybe the potentially talking cat spirit can tell us.
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Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Ep.94 Fowler Theater/Benton County Courthouse
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Alright, so we know we've made promises in the past, and we may not have always followed through, but this time we made sure not to let you down. We made it back to Fowler Indiana for a 3 hour private investigation! We had to shake off the dust a little bit, but we're back, and ready to give you the spooky content you deserve. That is, if the hauntings live up to the hype.
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Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Ep.93 The Winery at Marjim Manor
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
We've made it to New York! And to the big apple's lesser known sister city, Appleton.. which isn't even technically a city. This little hamlet of less than 2000 people still has some ghost stories for us in the form of a manor that has existed for almost 200 years. There have been a lot of families that have come and gone through these doors, although some of the members never got a chance to leave. A few of their spirits still roam the halls, and maybe some others have joined them along the way.
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Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Ep.91 Doña Ana Courthouse
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Well, we've traveled west to the great American state of New Mexico. What's in New Mexico you may ask? And we would answer "that's a great question!"
What we do know for sure is, like most states before it, there is no shortage of hauntings and spirits. Our travels have brought us to a courthouse, which we've never really done before, but it also housed the county jail, and you know we love a good jail. Let's find out if this one is as haunted as the rest of 'em!
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