
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Ep.90 Shades of Jenny Lake in Hope
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
**SFX/Trigger Warnings** - For those familiar with the sound of a spiritbox, know that we play a small section of evidence from one towards the end of the episode. Also, talks of grooming and se***l predators happen around the middle. Thanks, Leo 👍
Well, that's a heck of a title, isn't it? If it doesn't make sense, that's alright. Because we are covering not one, not two, but three locations today! (Jersey is apparently a hot bed for ghosts) We'll be discussing the lore behind Jenny Jump State Forest, Ghost Lake, and Shades of Death Road. Yes, those are the actual names. This one is a bit of a doozy, but stick with us. It'll be worth it.
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Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Ep.89 Benton County Jail/Fowler Theater
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
It's the first Thursday of the month which means *drum roll* we have one of our own investigations! There is a slight asterisk to this episode though .. which is we haven't actually gone yet. Due to planning issues we weren't able to book the location in time for this episode, but that just means will be hitting you with a part 2 which will (hopefully) be full of a ton of paranormal experiences! Based off of the history we cover here, it sounds like we may have a heck of a trip ahead of us. We'll be looking forward to it.
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Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Ep.88 The Isle of Shoals
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
During the colder months, most people would love to travel to an island for a little getaway. Except these islands are in New Hampshire .. so they're still cold right now. Oh well, an island is an island, and a haunted island is right up our alley. Although there are no real residents here anymore, there is a very long history here with settlers arriving as early as the 17th century. And we know what that means; more time for more ghosts to accumulate. So let's see why a little group of islands is so haunted then.
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Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Ep.87 The Mackay Mansion
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Another week, another haunting; this week in Virginia City, Nevada. "Why is it called Virginia city" you may ask? Well .. we don't know, and that's not why we're here anyway. We're here to vicariously investigate the Mackay Mansion and its nearly two centuries of stories. For a city with a population of less than a thousand, they sure have found themselves a location that has been recognized by some of the most well known investigative teams. And, of course, there is no shortage of kid ghosts or rooms full of dolls, so let's get to the haunted stuff!
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Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Ep.86 Museum of Shadows
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Well, this week we're out in Omaha Nebraska, and we decided to try something a little different. Instead of the grounds or the building being haunted, people are bringing their haunted items to this location. A husband and wife duo have taken it upon themselves to combine their love for the paranormal and fascination with collecting haunted items and open this museum. There may not be ghost children, but they've got the next best thing; haunted dolls. LOTS of haunted dolls ..
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Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Ep.85 A Year In Review
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Ope, well we're starting the new year off a little delayed, but we thought we'd take a look back at our past years' (and then some) adventures. Come down memory lane with us as we highlight some of our favorite moments, scariest locations, and unfortunately some of the duds, because aren't there always duds? We're excited to see where 2023 takes us, and hopefully we'll have even more new and exciting stories for you!
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Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Twin Tangent 7: New Years Eve Traditions
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
This is it, the last episode of 2022! And if you ask us, it probably could have come a little sooner. We're ending the year talking NYE traditions all around the world; we're even covering a little bit of our own traditions. There were some nice ideas we think we'll take with us into the new year, and some we may just have to pass. But thank you for joining us for 2022, and we can't wait to see where the podcast goes in 2023. See you next year!
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Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Ep.84 Montana State Penitentiary
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Happy Thursday, and (for those that celebrate) happy almost Christmas! What could put you in the holiday spirit more than hearing about galloping gallows, prison riots, and a possible ghost clown? We don't know either. So cozy up during the impending winter storm, and listen to your favorite twins cover the tiny city of Deer Lodge, its only prison, and all of the ghosts that come along with it.
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Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Ep.83 Lemp Mansion and Brewery
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Alright, so it's not exactly "small town" America, but we couldn't pass up this St. Louis destination that regularly makes America's most haunted houses lists, could we? This location is unfortunately riddled with family tragedy, enough so that we actually want to give a trigger warning to all of you about the content heavily covered in this episode, suicide. These spirits are still around today, and have made their presence very known. Who knows, maybe we'll give it a visit in the near future; St. Louis is just like a day trip for us in the Midwest anyway.
Investigation Referenced: https://youtu.be/vfD8BR4yhns
Suicide Prevention website: https://988lifeline.org/
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Monday Dec 12, 2022
Ep.82 McRaven House
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
What a surprise indeed; who would've thought we would have found ourselves here on a Monday? Definitely not us, but now that Kelsey is done being sick (again) we decided to play a little game of catch up in Mississippi. A silly little stroll turns deadly, heartbreak after what supposed to the happiest moment of a parents life, loss of life way too soon, oh and a war. This house has seen it all, so let's hear about the ghosts it's left behind. Maybe we'll even discuss the ghosts in our own home ...
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