
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Ep.48 The Grand Hotel
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
Thursday Nov 18, 2021
It may be out of season now, but head with us up to the U.P. of Michigan to Mackinac Island. Haunted piano bars, ghost-like mists, Native American burial grounds, this location comes with all the standards. So grab a rocking chair and join us on the front porch (that even has Cracker Barrel shaking) of Mackinac Island's Grand Hotel.
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Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Ep.47 McPike Mansion
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
After traveling all the way to South Korea to a psychiatric hospital, and coming back to the states in Hawaii for a little drama at the theater we've brought it back a little closer to home. This time we're talking about the McPike Mansion in Alton, IL. Like every haunted place so far (just joking, but only a little) this is one of the most haunted small town locations in America. Whether that is true or not, now you're about to hear why.
https://youtu.be/t8R9f9tM7AQ 2 Fox News
https://youtu.be/mNUNtZUZ2TU KSDK News
https://youtu.be/dZxlN_bOKt8 BiState Paranormal
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Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Listener Episode 11
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Another month gone by. As sad as we are to see October go, a new month means a new listener episode! Come listen to us talk about how hip and up to date we definitely are on our social media, and let us tell you some of the spooky stories we've stumbled upon along the way.
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Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Ep.47 Iao Theater
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Happy almost Halloween! Join us as we make our way to the much warmer weather of Maui, Hawaii where we roam the halls of the haunted Iao Theater. It's no surprise that a theater would be haunted; after all, ghosts do tend to be a little overdramatic. You know, just like us.
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Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Ep.46 Villisca Axe Murder House
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Over 100 years ago in the town of Villisca, Iowa, one of the most well known, horrendous, yet baffling murders took place. A family of six and two house guests slain with no one to place the blame. With eight lives cut short, it's no wonder so many believe the souls of these victims still live within the walls. This time, we get to satisfy your love for both true crime and the paranormal.
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Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Ep.45 Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
We may not have been able to visit personally, but we've finally taken our episodes international! Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that "Squid Games" is the most streamed show on Netflix currently, and has shot Korean culture into the lime light. It piqued our interest as well, and in our research we found that one of the most haunted locations (allegedly) in the world in none other than South Korea. Join us as we learn about the world of the Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital.
Gonjiam Mental Hospital in Korea: This is one of the scariest places in the world
Creepy Abandoned Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital (Gonjiam Psychiatric Asylum) 곤지암 昆
池岩精神病院 鬼病院
@22:14, watch the broken window behind her left shoulder (your right)
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Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Listener Episode 10
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
10 listener episodes already, and it comes during the greatest time of the year: Libra season! Join us as we swap stories from across the globe. Haunted houses, haunted apartments, haunted headboards? Almost everyone has a haunted story to tell, and this is just a handful more for you.
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Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Twin Tangent 3
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Another fifth Thursday, another chance for you to hear the irrelevant ramblings of Meghan and Kelsey. This month we decided to tackle some spooky season "monsters". Trying to shy away from the typical vampire, werewolf, or witch, we will be covering the history of Skin Walkers and Night Hags. If you don't know what either of those are, let's just say your in for a timely creepy treat.
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Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Ep.44 Woodlawn Cemetery
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
It may seem like just another cemetery, but .... okay, it kind of is. But this is the oldest cemetery in Terre Haute, Indiana with some transplants from other disrupted nearby cemeteries. So normal death mixed with displaced bodies is sure to make for some haunted happenings, right? Give this episode a listen, and hear for yourself.
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Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Ep.43 Craig and Preston House
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
We are always on the look out for new and unusual haunted places to investigate, but we don't normally have the hauntings come to us. On this episode, we had the unique opportunity to investigate the home of a once prominent family in Brazil, Indiana: The Craig House. With an added bonus location, The Preston House, we dive deep into the quintessential Haunted House trope and find out if all that history adds up to paranormal activity.
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