
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Twin Tangent 8
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
It always feels like forever between tangents, and we've been impatiently waiting for this one. This time we're covering a couple different topics to give you a little taste of .. new patreon content! That's right, it's been too long since we've given you the extras you deserve, and we hope this can make up for lost time. We've got true crime, we've got conspiracies, we've got a lot of burping for seemingly no reason? So check this one out, and if you like what you hear, sneak over to our patreon (linked below) to get some more of it twice a month. Enjoy!
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Friday Jun 23, 2023
Ep. 109 The Alamo
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Welcome back, on this fine .. Friday morning? Yes, due to some technical difficulties we're a day late, but better late than never, right? And honestly, we think this one was worth the wait. We might have had our doubts when picking the location, but this one left both of us a little somber, and rethinking some preconceived notions. We think we could all learn to take a step back and listen before we speak. This one gets a little eye opening and sad, so buckle up.
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Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Ep.108 The Bell Witch
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Welcome back to another riveting episode filled with ghosts, haunted houses, and even scarier ramblings-on. This one was suprisingly packed, so get comfy, and listen to us tell you the stories of, possibly genuinely, one of America's oldest and most haunted locations.
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Friday Jun 09, 2023
Ep.107 The Adams House
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
How have we already made it to South Dakota? Apparently time flies when you're telling ghost stories. It was some trial and error to find this location, but we're honestly glad we did. With some solid history and enough paranormal experiences to back it up, we hope this location pleasantly surprises you like it did us.
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Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Ep.106 Old Jail Inn 2.0
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Some places we just can't forget. Sometimes for all the wrong reasons, but thankfully not in this case. We've recalled the Old Jail Inn in Rockville a number of times. There's just something about this location that stuck with us (and if you listen to our first episode here, maybe you'll see why 😉). So we're back, this time with another investigator in tow, and, just as we were hoping, some all new evidence for you. No spoilers, but this place just doesn't disappoint.
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Thursday May 25, 2023
Ep.105 Old Charleston Jail
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
Oh man do we love a good jail! Just something about 'em gets us going. Maybe it's the dark past that's almost certain to provide spirits, or the history behind the inmates. Maybe it's just the overall spooky vibes, and , historically speaking, some of our wildest moments have come out of jails, so maybe this one will be no different. We can only hope.
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Thursday May 18, 2023
Ep.104 The Providence Biltmore
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Well, we found out there are a number of haunted Biltmore Hotels across the country that we could've chosen from, but we're in Rhode Island today, so we picked the Biltmore in ... you guessed it. Providence, Rhode Island. And who would've thought that you could pack so much spooky into one little state? This hotel has just passed it's hundred year mark, and in that time it's created quite a reputation for itself. A lot of crazy claims, murders, assaults, animal sacrifices. And the scariest part? If some of these writers are right, then all of these ghost stories may very well be just that: stories. We'll let you decide.
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Thursday May 11, 2023
Ep.103 Jean Bonnet Tavern
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Good Old Pennsylvania; we expected to find a slew of stories with one of the country's first states, and of course we found them at none other than a tavern. We've gone to a couple of these in the past, so we're ready to hear what the Jean Bonnet has to offer. Is it spooky? Maybe. Are the ghosts? Definitely. But what we can say for certain is, it's no Hacienda.
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Thursday May 04, 2023
Ep.102 The Bell Mansion
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
We've made another trip in state, this time to Fort Wayne, IN. Truthfully, I don't think either of us had been before, but we gotta say: those Victorian houses? Ten out of ten. The food? Ten out of ten. The paranormal experiences during a public haunted tour in the middle of the day during a metaphysical fair? Listen to find out; our answer may shock you!! (Ok, we hate click bait stuff too). But seriously. Give this one a listen, will ya?
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Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Ep.101 Canon Beach/The Bandage Man
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Something about a good old-fashioned urban legend just really gets you going, right? Like that's definitely normal, right? Well it is here, and we've found just the story for you. We're taking it back to the stories that started it all, local urban legends. This one is definitely giving "I Know What You Did Last Summer" vibes, but the important thing is, is he still haunting the beach today? Tune in to find out, and who knows, maybe we'll even run into more ghosts along the way.
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